Thursday, January 28

Pass the Tissues . . .

The tragedy in Haiti and a nasty cold virus made the last two weeks a total nightmare. I know I'm really sick when I have no desire to write or even look at the computer. Thankfully, I'm feeling a little better . . . just in time to meet a February 1st submission call deadline.

While being ill, I was still very conscious of the fact that I had a warm bed, medicine and my husband around to fill in the gaps for me with the kids. I could not help but think about the people of Haiti suffering far more ailments with little or no medicine and probably no peace of mind concerning many loved ones.

I'm glad I can at least breathe out of one nostril and I continue pray for those still waiting for help in Haiti. It almost seems cruel to escape into literary fantasies where love always wins in the end. If only real life could have the guaranteed happy endings we all love to read in our favorite romance books.
(photo courtesy of roym)

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