5. More mythology- The original shares so much more of the real mythology within the movie. When you finish watching the first one you'll have a basic understanding about some of the more famous myths the Greeks told.
4. Calibos- A worthy opponent for the handsome Prince Perseus and a great actor. And what incredible makeup for 1981. Wow! I can't believe this movie was made almost thirty years ago?!! I'm getting old.
3. Harry Hamlin- He may not be as sexy as Sam Worthington, but he's a much better actor. I felt his passion to save Andromeda. He wasn't all brawn and muscle, he exhibited a heart worthy of his princess.
2. The Kraken- I'm sorry, but when I saw that sea monster come up from the frothy waves I was really afraid. Ok, I was 11, but still, it was moment of movie magic...CGI be damned!
1. The Love Story- In the remake, I didn't feel the love between Perseus and Andromeda. In the orignal, it's hard to miss. Andromeda, played by Judi Bowker is radiant in her gentleness and virginal love for her demi-god savior. I held my breath wondering if Perseus would reach her in time to destory the Kraken. I also loved how she didn't scream. Not when they led her up to her would be death, not when the monstrous sea creature erupted from the sea! Now that's something. Plus, the theme song is so majestic!
In conclusion, the orginal 1981 version of Clash of the Titans is a much better story with characters you can believe in and root for until the very end!