Friday, August 6

I'm Hooked on my Nook!

I'm an avid reader. I simply adore reading books. Love stories, horror, thriller, fantasy, paranormal, sci-fi, chick-lit...OK, you get the idea. I love holding paperback books in my hand, touching the glossy cover, flipping through the pages as slip into my latest literary escape. So, I'll admit I was a little skeptical on just HOW much I would enjoy using an e-reader. I questioned whether I really needed to buy one. I told myself, I didn't really need one, but I still wanted one.

As an author of e-books, I decided I had to at least be aware of the technology I'm expecting my readers to use to enjoy my stories. So, I researched them all. My husband was convinced I should get the Ipad.

What a beautiful device. So many apps and endless possibilities, but I didn't want a multitude of apps or possibilities. I simply wanted the very best e-reader for my needs...or wants.

The Ipad e-reader display was just like reading on my computer. Definitely, not what I wanted since I stare at the computer screen all night. Although, beautiful and useful to many around the world, the Ipad was not for me.

On to the Kindle and Nook. Both devices have e-ink. I liked the Kindle display, but when I held the Nook in my hands, I fell in love. The colored screen at the bottom, the ease of use and beautiful design won me over. I was in the middle of reading a paperback book when my husband surprised me with my Nook for our anniversary and I haven't been back.

I've already read over 5 e-books that I've been planning to get to on my computer whenever I had a free moment from writing. A free moment to do nothing, but simply read. Those rare moments hardly happened and now I'm so excited to have a device that is easy and fun to use. The screen is so clear it's like reading a book. Except this e-reader can bookmark, enlarge font and remember the spot I last stop reading automatically!

I believe e-books are going to continue to explode in the marketplace and with readers around the world. If you haven't looked at e-reader, you should. I'm not sure I'll ever buy a paperback book again. I'm saving trees and discovering new and old authors all over again.


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