Wednesday, April 7

Starting Over...

I hardly watch SNL but last Saturday, I saw the rerun of Jennifer Lopez hosting and I was moved by her second song, Starting Over. I listened to her sing those words and my heart clenched. Jlo answers the question: Why is it so hard to break up with someone who's all wrong for you? The reasons are endless from kids to pride but the bottom line is "nobody wants to be the one breaking up." It's true. We all want to love and be loved. Most of us will put up with junk and overlook the signs telling us things are going array instead of facing the reality of our relationships.

When do you know it's time to say goodbye? That's a hard question but the truth is most of us know it within ourselves long before we ask a friend for advice. I'm happily married now but I was involved with a guy I thought was one way and even when I knew I was wrong about him and our relationship, I still held on. I was convinced he would change or I'd change but one way or another we had to work. I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want to be the one breaking up and staying in that relationship cost me big time. Changed my life for what seemed at the time for the worst and even now I look back on my choices back then and cringe but now I see that bad relationship had a purpose.

Starting over is never easy and helps if you've got a friend or family to call and cry to but essentially the healing has to start on your own. No one can help you or hold your hand. You have to decide for yourself that starting over is the best thing to do and then step by step, day by it.


Hear Jennifer Lopez sing the song Starting Over here!

(photo courtesy of Gendali)

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