Thursday, May 7


Sable skin so silky smooth
Luscious lips
Cinnamon hued

Ebony sweet

Fabulously full figured
Beauty head to feet

Regal sashay
Crown of curly coils
Eyes follow me
As if I pose

Embrace me
Adore me
For I am righteously designed

I am Beauty
Simply Divine

This poem flowed one morning after I had finished untwisting my natural hair. I stood back in the mirror and felt 100% beautiful. Like most women, I've struggled with loving the reflection in the mirror and even now the mirror I believe mocks me some days.

Being a black woman I can admit that I have struggled all my life to embrace what is me. My skin, my now natural hair, my thickness, and even my behind. It has been an arduous process. A tearful journey to arrive where I am today.

Loving me, all of me, because that's is how God made me. Yes, I still want to lose the last of the baby fat and yes I still turn around and ask the silent question..."Is my butt to big?" But, I no longer voice it out loud, because I've realized when you do no answer will ever satisfy. It's all up to me to stop asking the questions and know the answer- I am beautiful, because I Am...


Jennifer Taylor said...

I think most women have those issues at one time or other. And then we have to struggle with accepting aging. Hope you are able to stay positive about yourself.

Rebecca Rose said...

Oh, I know the 'baby fat' and the 'oh man, I'm never going to fit into that again'! But I'm beautiful in the eyes of me, my husband and most of all my children. That what makes too tight jeans, shirts that ride up, and 'yup my ass looks fat in that' ok. LOL