Monday, May 11

Getting Creative...Despite Interruptions

One of the hardest things about being a writer is finding the right time and moment of creativity to put the scenes playing out in your head on paper. The challenge for me is doing that with the distractions that come along with being a SAHM.

Some days I wake up and know exactly what I want to write and I come to the computer rearing to go, my fingers rushing over the keys to get the scenes down, while every two minutes one of my little darlings are calling my name. Talk about frustrating. Interruptions disrupt the flow of creative writing.

Other days I stare at the screen trying to figure out what or where to go next with the dialogue. But what is the most annoying for me is having an idea of what I want to write and waiting for those snatches of minutes to get it down.

Sometimes it happens and other times I find myself looking at the clock after the kids are in bed and I think.."I'm mentally whipped." My last creative thought escaped out of my head three tantrums ago.

That being said there is nothing for me besides singing that is as exciting as finishing a scene and seeing the characters coming alive on screen. Creating is so much fun and keeps me sane in the insane world of toddler speak and preschooler questions.

Back to writing...

1 comment:

Wendy Paine Miller said...

I am hearing you loud and clear on this blog. I wrote about this on my blog today (clearly we are in the same writer/mommy boat)... :D Here's to hoping you sail far and well!
~ Wendy